Xaverian College Manchester 1961

Were you attending Xaverian in 1961?

If you were, you should be on one of these sections of the school photograph. I would like to discover how many of us are still going, and maybe what happened to you over the past 61 years. Just drop me an email on bcweb01@gmail.com, letting me know what section you are on, the row and number you are situated left to right and I will try and get a good size image of you out and any comments you may have.

Click Here to see who’s identified so far!

Click the image to see the full size photo, thanks to James Kedian who managed to acquire this photograph from the present principal, Tony Knowles who also went to Xaverian in the sixties.

School Photo 1961 (1)

School Photo 1961 (2)
School photograph 1961 (3)
School photograph (4)
School photograph (5)
School photograph 1961

5 thoughts on “Xaverian College Manchester 1961”

  1. I can identify two of the teacher pics. of 1961
    The Latin and RI teacher, second on the top row, introduced himself as Frater Didimus Plus, Bro Thomas Moore.
    The other listed without a name was ‘Johnnie’ Walker, French teacher and my nemisis. He beat boys with a slipper.
    He also deducted half a mark for each mistake in prep. Minus scores like mine led to a reference to Bro David. This seemed to happen to me weekly. Bro David, AKA Chimpy, laid on six, one on top of the other, leaving bloody welts.

    • I had a similar experience with Br. David who gave me six with the cane for playing cards in Latin and then for not going to his office when told. I had PE next lesson and my underpants were stuck to my bottom. I wonder if I could sue?
      Barry Kavanagh. Anybody know me?

      • Don’t know you Barry, but can confirm brutal corporal punishment from Brother David, and abuse from some teachers. Get in touch if you need to.

        • Which class were you in Tony. I was with Chris Ryder in the 1961 photo.
          I left at 16 and I must say I have done very well with very hard work and lots of luck. Hope you have prospered.

  2. I remember two Brothers in particular. Brother Anthony quite stripping and surley. Never understood why he had such an attitude! Brother Cyril was a bit more approachable but very rarely smiled. He was quite a humourless morose character actually. Some of the other Brothers were a lot more charismatic.


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